Friday, February 6, 2009

Matthew 25

"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (Matt 25:46)

Does your spiritual walk resemble Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ichabod Crane? Three parables about the end times. Three similar results. In all three instances there was preparedness and commitment to the cause by those blessed in the end; and lethargy and mishaps by the others.

What does a genuine relationship with Christ look like? I think these stories give a us a pretty good glimpse. A genuine believer doesn't just believe in Christ; he serves Him, he waits on Him, and he works for His cause. This is what is so scary about American Christianity. I think there are LOTS of people who are going to get to that final judgment and "be surprised" by what they realize.

Christianity in many ways is treated in our society as an accessory of life much like an earring is for a night out on the town. It is often a hobby or pastime rather than the canvas on which life is lived. The demons believe and shutter (James 2:19); that's more than some so-called believers in our churches. They profess belief, but shrug little more than a shoulder at His Word, commands, and conviction.

We in the Church have done a poor job communicating the reality of the Christian faith. We have sold it as fire insurance or as a self-comforting club where we come to Jesus to get our sins forgiven and leave feeling good about ourselves still content to live in sin but now "covered by grace!" How many of our congregation members don't have a clue? Or don't give a care? Or both!

Christ here once again reminds us of the intentional life change for those redeemed by His blood. We are not supposed to bury our faith, nor forget to tend to its needs. It is to be something that we are to nurture and to strive towards in pleasing our Savior. It is something we should pursue with veracity.

How is your faith working itself out? Arnold or Ichabod? Today you can decide.

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