"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Do you know why Peter was able to deny Christ three time? Think about that for a moment. Verse 56 said that all the disciples deserted Him and ran away. Peter runs, but tries still to follow his Messiah. This is what finds him in a place where his faith is challenged. The other disciples, though Scripture is silent about where they fled (except John), probably faced no opposition in their hideouts.
Peter failed, yes. But he failed trying! This wasn't the first instance where Peter tried to follow Christ into rocky waters. If you recall, Peter was the lone disciple who walked on water with Christ before the wind and waves became too fearful. He failed there too, but he failed trying! In the garden, at Jesus' arrest, it is understood that it was Peter who pulled out his sword and cut off the servant's ear. Christ rebuked the action, but it was again Peter and he was trying!
Failure brings grief. After denying Christ three times, Peter went out and wept bitterly. He had fallen short. But you know what? It is that same Peter who, after failure upon failure, would stand up on the day of Pentecost and preach one of the most powerful sermons ever. He never quit trying.
The sad thing is not that Peter failed, it is that the others never tried. We leave so many things undone because we are scared to try because it might hurt us if we fail. Self-preservation keeps us locked in a comfort zone of complacency from which few venture out.
When you come to the end of your days, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want to look back on your walk with Christ and say, "I tried!"? Or do you want to look back and wonder about all the adventures, successes and failures, that you might have missed because you were too afraid to try?
Thank you Peter. Thank you for failing... it means at least you tried. May we be willing to step out and try.
PS: In all three instances of failure Christ was there to pick him up; raising him out of the water, restoring the ear, and restoring him to the faith after His resurrection with His famous "Do you love me?" passage. Christ is always there to pick us up, especially when we've seemingly failed trying to do His will!
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