"But he forsook the counsel of the elders which they had given him..." 1 Chron. 10:8
Wow, what a contrast between a couple chapters! From the wisdom and discernment of Solomon which made the Queen of Sheba gawk to the arrogance and disdain of his son Rehoboam which split the kingdom apart. From the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration of the Temple and the patriotism of a nation united in celebration and nationalism under God to the frustration, division and abandonment of camaraderie for separate leadership.
All because of the lack of wisdom and a poor decision... How's your decision making? Do you seek counsel or yes men? This is a sobering passage for all of us in leadership positions (which to some degree is almost all of us!). May God give us the grace to see past ourselves and truly allow the Word of God and the counsel of the godly to influence us past our flesh to the righteous discernment and will of God...
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