Monday, February 4, 2008

Leviticus 7-9

Where are you with God? In need of some reconciliation? Where are you today with your church? At odds, or in good standing serving and contributing?

Reading Lev 8, I was once again reminded of the amazing grace of our God. In the midst or laying out a very stringent policy for man's reconciliation for sin, He demonstrates His grace. Though reading Leviticus can make your brain start to overload with rules and precise expectations for the sacrificial system, yet we must never forget how powerful that system, realizing in Christ, truly is.

Yes God set forth intense expectations for the remission of sin and the restoration of individuals, but the fact is HE DOES IT! He allows fallen man to be restored! He never had to. It is at God's completely merciful discretion to bring us back to Him through His sacrifice.

But further, that reconciliation gives new chances to His people to serve Him. Chapter 8 is the case in point. Aaron, of all people, is given the responsibility to minister before the Lord! Don't you remember Aaron in Exodus, the weak leader that bent to the pressures of the people of Israel for a replacement God? Here God reestablishes him, so much so that Aaron is permitted to still be Israel's representative before the altar of God. Wow. That's grace. That's what grace does.

God's holiness called for much reconciliation. Aaron did everything the Lord commanded, and was positioned in a place of service to the Creator and God of Abraham.

I don't care how far you have messed up. God has offered a chance at reconciliation (through faith and repentance). He gave His Son so that we might also be a royal priesthood, ministering to Him and for Him to the world.

I don't know where you are today, but be encouraged that the future always holds opportunities to serve and be used by God. We must be reconciled to Him and be willing to do what He has commanded. Will you?


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Anonymous said...

so i'm in your youth group, and i just wanna say thanks for putting this blog out here bj. It's helped me through my struggles, and i really love it