Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Matthew 22

"No one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day on to ask Him another question." (Matt 22:46)

Ever entered a debate or discussion on a topic and thought you knew something, only to have it blow up in your face and realize that you were really clueless? I have, probably far too often that I'd like to admit.

Last fall was a great example. I had been listening to a lot of political talk radio and felt as though I had a pretty good understanding of the issues and candidates. At a family event I engaged a cousin of the opposite political persuasion than myself, thinking that I could challenge him on several topics. About 30 seconds into the discussion, I realized that I was out-gunned... badly! I threw several stump speeches at him, but he shot right back with platform initiatives and in depth analysis of positions. I was getting burned and burned bad. I would change the subject to another issue only to have him lambaste me with information on that topic as well. He called me out on my talk radio rhetoric and asked me pointed questions I could not answer. It was quite humiliating to me, especially after my hours and hours of radio prep. I finally resigned to a single position that I felt quite passionate about and hung all my voting intentions upon it. Luckily, relatives broke up the conversation with a call to horseshoes or dinner, I forget which.

I have a feeling that all the religious leaders, lawyers, and scribes felt the exact same way in this chapter. Challenge after challenge, Jesus saw through their stump speeches and rebuked them with marvelous wisdom and authority. Over and over again they sought a chink in His armor, but time and time again He proved His worth. Christ was spectacular. Someone greater than Solomon was before them and they didn't stand a chance. They didn't want to acknowledge it, but they could not refute it. Christ ends the debates with a question of His own, one so deep that everyone was speechless. They had no rebuttal. They had been exposed for the shallow, ignorant sceptics that they were... They left humiliated and silenced. Kinda like I felt as I walked away from my bloodbath of a discussion with my cousin.

Here's the point: Christ, when truly confronted, answers all doubts and scepticism. Remember from yesterday, He is the cornerstone, the rock; one upon whom we fall broken seeking forgiveness and confessing His position, or one which falls upon us leaving us humiliated and silenced at the Great White Throne of Judgment. In this chapter He truly did a smashing job. Sadly it didn't produce repentance, only anger which would fuel His murder.

How do you respond to the words of Christ?

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