Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Matthew 8

Matt 8:28-29 “And when he came to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men met him, coming out of the tombs, so fierce that no one could pass that way. And behold, they cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, O Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before the time?’”

“It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman!” I remember those words growing up. Superman, a man over whom people marveled. His superpowers were staggering and his presence always brought hope.

I just wonder how the people spoke about Jesus as He came to their regions. The events of this chapter are packed with supernatural power. He heals at will. He takes upon diseases and sickness with only a word. He quiets the tempest of the sea with His voice. The disciples exclaim, “Who is this man?!” He has power over the physical and the natural. And then He demonstrates His power over the spiritual.

Crossing the water, they come to a place the author describes as a place through which no one could pass due to demonic activity. But when Christ comes, there isn’t even a battle! The demons recognize their Maker! And their response is utter fear! The Holy One was in their midst; they could not torment Him. They were terrified by His presence, not the other way around.

Christ, God in flesh, demonstrates in one chapter His absolute unique nature. There is nothing over which His power and authority does not reign; be it sickness, disease, demonic or natural. I love this chapter! That’s my King! He is wholly unique! He is highly exalted. He is the One to whom I can come with everything. He is able. He is the One to whom I owe everything, for He is wholly God, Sovereign Lord, and Master over all.

What peace it brings to trust in Someone so different, so much stronger, more powerful, and transcendent of all limitation. He is the Christ. He is the Lord. Praise Him for revealing Himself so majestically. There is nothing my Savior cannot do. He can even conform me into His very image and allow me to know, enjoy, and trust in His power and person.

Do you have that awe for Christ that He deserves? Look back over this chapter and worship Someone who, unlike Superman, wasn’t from another world, but instead was the one Who created it!

“Who is this man?!” One day they would realize. He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Do you know Him as such? If so, worship Him.

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