Matt 9:36-38 "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.'"
Sometimes we mistakenly pit the Church and her converts against the world, and fall into the trap believing the world is content as it is. Yet Christ's words here should sober the Church's lack of evangelism into anticipatory action. Christ looks over the masses, and knowing their hearts and their true needs, calls His followers to declare the gospel with them. It is His expectation that the harvest is plentiful. Christ knows that as the Church goes forth with the true gospel message, it is the power of salvation for those who will believe. And He fully expects there to be a harvest.
Yet Christ's prayer is an amazing prayer. His prayer is not for the lost! It is for the believers to be emboldened with His compassion so much so that they flood the world with the plea of the gospel's reconciliatory message. Can you fathom that? Christ, in fact, never prays for the lost. Instead, He is always praying for the disciples, and those who would follow in their steps, to be His mouth piece of hope through His substitutionary death.
Yet, how do we in the Church pray? God save "So-and-so". God soften their heart. Guess what? Christ here simply says go with the gospel and that His power through this shared message would draw converts! We should have an expectation to see the lost come to Christ because Christ declares that those ready to receive the gospel message are out there and ready to hear!
Oh, how I doubt this promise sometimes. I make excuses! "They don't want to hear me." "I don't want to bother them." "They seem so busy, and besides I don't want them to think me a religious freak!"
Yet, Christ says there is a harvest waiting for us to speak words of life into their souls. I need to pray for the boldness of which Paul speaks. I need to pray that God would give me Christ's compassion and insight into man's depraved position apart from Him.
Christ, change me into a harvester of souls. May I be willing to give myself to Your call for the purpose of seeing the helpless sheep know the greatest Shepherd of all. Don't let me keep it to myself. For if I do, then I must ask myself, "Do I really believe the words of my Master?"
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